Sunday 11 October 2015


Sepoy Maqbool hussain was injured during 1965 Indo-Pak war and was held prisoner by the indian army as Sepoy Maqbool Hussain was well trained by the customs and regulations of Pak army so despite being all the efforts being made by the enemy they were unable to reveal anything out of him.Though the indian army tortured and disturbed him in various ways like they cut his tongue and still then when they asked him to tell them anything by writing every time he had written a slogan PAK ARMY ZINDABAD with his blood but did not utter even a single word against the sovereignty of his country.
 He remained as a prisoner for more than 40 years .A far cry from the tall ,well built soldier he was mentally disturbed,returned to his country like a fisherman nobody was there to receive him from his family.Everytime somebody asks him to prove his identity he wrote his number 335139 later knowing the significance of the number he was handed over to Pak army.In 2005 he reached Azad Kashmir Regiment Centre and claimed him to be a soldier he was presented infront of the commander while coming infront of the commander that old man with his shaking hands and arms raised his hand and saluted him and wrote on a paper
                                                  "Number 335139 Sepoy Maqbool Hussain is on parade sir and waiting  for the orders sir"
Commander was shocked from the gesture shown by the old man and asked to take out the documents of the said number once he saw the documents he was unable to hold his tears as he now had exactly came to know,who that old man is Sep Maqbool Hussain went to destoy an ammunition inside the enemy territory under the command of Captain Sher after the succussful raid once they were coming back they confronted with the enemy and in the meanwhile he got hit by the bullets and was taken as a prisoner.
Today he is under the special care of Pak Army
Great personalities like him live like heroes and are always remembered after death as a Legend the only thing which made that old man such a strong person was the training and love for his homeland.

Sepoy Maqbool Hussain we being Pakistani salute you.
We cannot do anything for him to bring back his life but we can promote him by this article to let every Pakistani know what that great man did.

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